Define Dies, Simple die, Compound die, Combination die and Progressive die?

Dies :- 

Made up of tool steel and used to cut or shape material.

1. Simple die

2. Compound die

3. Combination die

4. Progressive die

Simple Die :- 

Simple dies or single action dies perform single operation for each stroke of the press slide.

The operation may be one of the cutting or forming operations.

Compund die:-

In these dies, two or more operations may be performed at one station. Such dies are considered as cutting tools since, only cutting operations are carried out.

Combination Die : -

In this die also , more than one operation may be performed at one station. It is different from compound die in that in this die, a cutting operation is combined with a bending or drawing operation, due to that it is called combination die.

Progessive die :-

A progressive has a series of operations. At each station , an operation is performed on a work piece during a stroke of the press.

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