Explain Stress terms, Proportional Limit, Elastic Limit, Yield Stress or Proof stress, Ultimate(Tensile or compressive) Strength or stress and Fracture strength or stress?

I. Stress terms

1.Proportional Limit

• It is the maximum stress up to which, the stress is linearly proportional to strain. Point A

• A material with high value of proportional limit can withstand greater stress without permanent deformation.

2. Elastic Limit

• Maximum stress a material can withstand without undergoing permanent deformation.

• It describes the elastic behavior of the material. (fig.6)Point B

x The elastic and proportional limits have nearly the same values, as they represent the same phenomena.

3. Yield Stress or Proof stress

• It is the stress at which materials start to show permanent deformation.(fig.6) Point

4. Ultimate(Tensile or compressive) Strength or stress

• Maximum stress that the material can withstand before failure (fracture) under tension or compression respectively.

• The material could not withstand any more stresses, as it will fracture. (fig.6) Point D

.The yield strength is often of greater importance than ultimate strength in design and material selection because it is an estimation of when a material will start to deform permanently.

5. Fracture strength or stress

• It is the strength at which the material fractures. (fig.6) Point F

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