Define Strain and explain Stress-Strain Relationship?


• Definition: It is the change in length per unit length.

• It represents the relative deformation of an object that is subjected to stress.

• It may be elastic, plastic or both elastic and plastic.

• It is denoted by “ε”.

• Designated as ΔL / L. So, it is unitless.

• Strain(ε)= Deformation/Original length

.When the force is applied, the rod's length changes from its original length L0, to the extended length L1. The resulted strain, É›, is given by

É› = (L1- L0)/ L0


In an object subjected to stress

Stress-Strain Relationship

• If a bar of material is subjected to an applied force, F, the magnitude of the stress and the resulting deformation (É›) can be measured.

• This is done with tensile, compressive or shear loading of samples using universal testing machine.

• Graph representing stress (or load) and strain (elongation) can be obtained.

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