Define Fluid and also write the Difference between the Solid and Fluid?

Definition: Fluid

 A substance exists in three primary phases:  Solid  liquid  Gas

 A substance in the liquid or gas phase is referred to as a Fluid.

Difference between Solid        and              Fluid 

            Solid                                                                                    Fluid 

Amount of molecules per unit volume are more  ||  Amount of molecules per unit volume are less 

Molecular force of attraction is more                   ||  Molecular force of attraction is less

Solids have a definite shape                                 ||  Fluids have no shape

Tensile and compressive: resist                          ||   Cannot resist tensile but resist compressive

Solids can sustain a shear force; i.e. 

they remain static                                                ||     Fluids cannot sustain a shear force, i.e. a fluid is                                                                                           always in motion

Stress is a function of the rate of strain.            || Stress is a function of strain.

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