Explain Statistical Quality control and also write the advantages of Statistical Quality control



Statistics means data, a good amount of data to obtain reliable results. The science of statistics handles this data in order to draw certain conclusions.

Statistical Quality Control (SQC):- 

This is a quality control system employing the statistical techniques to control quality by performing inspection, testing and analysis to conclude whether the quality of the product is as per the laid quality standards.


Reduction in cost:  Since only a fractional output is inspected, hence cost of inspection is greatly reduced.

Greater efficiency: It requires lesser time and boredom as compared to the 100 percent inspection and hence the efficiency increases.

Easy to apply: Once the S.Q.C plan is established, it is easy to apply even by man who does not have extensive specialized training.

Early detection of faults: The moment a sample point falls outside the control limits, it is taken as a danger signal and necessary corrective measures are taken. Whereas in 100 percent inspection, unwanted variations in quality may be detected after large number of defective items have already been produced.

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