What is Link ? What are the Types of Link || Define the term Rigid Link ,Flexible Link , Fluid link

 Link : 

A link or element is that part of a machine which has a relative motion to some other parts. It is a resistance body or assembly of resistant connected in such a way that they form a single part of it having no relative motion.

Types of Link :

1 :- Rigid Link 

2 :- Flexible Link 

3 :- Fluid link

1 :- Rigid Link 

It does not undergo any deformation while transmitting motion .Ex. Crank, Connecting rod, Piston.

2 :- Flexible Link

It is having partly deformation while transmitting motion. Ex. Springs, belts, ropes

3 :- Fluid Link

Motion is transmitted through the link as in case of hydraulic brakes, hydraulic press.

Binary link:

Link which is connected to other links at two points. (Fig.a)

Ternary link:

Link which is connected to other links at three points. (Fig.b)

Quaternary link:

Link which is connected to other links at four points. (Fig. c)


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