Write the Mechanism of milling and Explain Micro forging, Fracture, Agglomeration and Deagglomeration? || Explain about the Milling equipments?

Mechanism of milling: 

Changes in the morphology of powder particles during milling results in the following events.

1. Microforging, 

2. Fracture, 

3. Agglomeration, 

4. Deagglomeration

Micro forging => 

Individual particles or group of particles are impacted repeatedly so that they flatten with very less change in mass.

Fracture => 

Individual particles deform and cracks initiate and propagate resulting in fracture.

Agglomeration => 

Mechanical interlocking due to atomic bonding or vander Waals forces.

Deagglomeration => Breaking of agglomerates

The different powder characteristics influenced by milling are shape, size, texture, particle size distribution, crystalline size, chemical composition, hardness, density, flowability, compressibility, sinterability, sintered density.

Milling equipment: The equipments are generally classified as crushers & mills.

Crushing => for making ceramic materials, oxides of metals; Grinding => for reactive metals such as titanium, zirconium, niobium, tantalum.

Grinding: Different types of grinding equipments/methods are shown in the figure.

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